Jeffrey Nagle | personal trainer

My favorite part about working in this field is being able to see true change with the work you put in.

I have always been coached by people who devoted their time and effort to helping others become the best version of themselves. Now I want to be that person who devotes my time and effort to helping you get there as well.

I have been coaching others for 8+ years and my love and passion for coaching have grown tenfold during that time. My second passion is to learn–not only learning to help myself with my own health and wellness, but also to carry that over to help others achieve what they have been chasing.

I want to create an environment where together we can look at your goals and see what steps we can take to make your goal attainable. By putting our efforts in the right areas and doing effective work, we CAN get you to where you want to be. The entire process is a learning curve and can be confusing at times. I am here to help you use what has and hasn’t worked in the past to help you get where you want to be.

I find myself doing my best work with young professionals who are willing to work hard but also learn along the way. I have experience working with people in-person as well as coaching online. Both have major benefits. Figuring out which one makes the most sense for you, in your situation is a good first step.

Health is a journey, not a destination and I am happy to help you along the way.

Start Your fitness Journey with Jeff